Pay Day Loans
Need emergency cash fast. Get a pay day loan though Finwizz paid in 24hrs. We offer short term loans up to R 8 000.00 when you need money quick. Affordable interest rates and up to 30 to repay.
Complete our loan application form for instant offers from multiple loan providers.
Choose the offer best suited for your needs.
Finalize your application with your preferred lender for pay out.
What is a pay day loan?
A Pay day Loan is an instant short term loan that you pay back once you receive your salary at month end. In need of extra cash for unforeseen expenses before month end but don’t want to get tied down to a long term loan then a payday advance is a quick alternative.
How to apply?
Simply complete our online application form. From there you will receive an immediate outcome weather you qualify and process to complete the application form at the top of this page.
Qualifying criteria and Process:
- Aged between 18 and 75
- Full time, contract, part time or self employed
- Clients who are not under debt review
- Earn a minimum of R 3000.00 per month